David Youngren
David Youngren is a spiritual philosopher, storyteller, and philanthropist who inspires and guides spiritual seekers from every background. David has spoken to more than one million people at live events.
Hi, I’m David Youngren.
If you are like most of my readers, you consider yourself spiritual but not religious. You are an independent thinker that is open-minded to explore the primary questions of life. What motivates your interest is a desire for authentic spirituality that transforms your life. You want to live a happy, content and fulfilled life. You want to thrive in the following areas:
- Your mental wellbeing
- Your relationships with your family and friends
- Your health
- Your career
- Your passions, and interests
You also want your life to have a purpose. And you are passionate about using your gifts and abilities to make the world better.
But there’s something in the way, isn’t there?
You have hopes and dreams for your life, but sometimes it feels like there’s something missing. One moment you are on top of the world, but another moment you find yourself alone with feelings of insecurity, fear, anxiety, stress, worry and other unhealthy emotions.
You may turn to faith, therapy, or self-help experts for help, and that works for a while. But then you drift back again into old unhealthy patterns (even if its just in your mind.) These negative thoughts may even have affected your health, your work, and your relationship with your family. Anything here, sounds familiar?
I’ve been there too…
I know what it feels like to have success, but inside be struggling. My path of awakening began in 2005. I was successful Pastor in Canada, Bible College President, crusade evangelist, and TV host. But inside, I was empty and disillusioned.
After moving to California in mid-2005, I went through a period of inner deconstruction. Then in 2006, I had a profound experience, where I became aware of a loving and peaceful inner Presence – “Christ in me” – that transformed my life. My health suddenly improved drastically. My old crippling attitudes disappeared. My insecurities and fears began to fade. Most importantly, my spiritual understanding was enlightened to a much better way to live – the way of love.

Today, I help people through events, books, meditation programs, courses, and life-coaching to awaken within as a non-anxious presence. I live with my family in southern California.
Can I help you?
Together with my team, I want to help you live your true self. Your inner struggles stem from who you believe yourself to be. When you awaken to the essence of who you are then new thoughts, feelings, and attitudes that create life, beauty, and happiness will naturally emerge.
Through our live events, various meditation programs, and personal coaching, we’re helping people trade stress, struggles and insecurities for peace, happiness and love. We hope you’ll join us.
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