Limitless Blog
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From Birth to Resurrection: A Story of Non-Dual Consciousness
It could be easy to feel a sense of resentment and anger looking back at the religious and political system. Except… Jesus knew the cross was coming. Even before he made the journey to Jerusalem, he was completely aware of what he would face.

Sitting with God
I cannot imagine a better start to each day than a silent sit.Silence is not empty. It is filled with God. When I practice centering prayer, I respond to the invitation to sit with God.

Hope Amid Our Polarized Election
The world is divided. Our current political climate in the United States has certainly accentuated our differences and heightened our intolerance of anyone who doesn’t hold our worldview.

The Downward Path To Wisdom
Quick thought exercise. Who is it you think of in your own life that you associate with the word wisdom? Someone who doesn’t get caught up in games of status and recognition?

Overcoming Unconscious Biases
LIKE THIS BLOG? GET MORE LIKE THIS – DELIVERED TO YOUR INBOX.It's easy, especially, at the time we are living in to express opinions that are based on unconscious biases. We are not aware of it, but since childhood, we have been conditioned to view the world through...

Why Conspiracy Theories and End-time Prophecies May Damage Our Emotional and Spiritual Wellbeing?
It seems like end-time prophecies, or conspiracy theories involving Bill Gates, 5G, George Soro, or “fake news” are everywhere. Having had the opportunity to work with people around the world for decades has taught me that most of these beliefs and theories are rooted in fear.
Sin will take one down a road of destruction, shame, and defamation. So many folks hide behind masks to cover up sins while pretending to be someone they’re not. Many don’t practice what they preach, they talk but don’t walk the walk. I am a woman preacher and I am the ‘other woman.’
I had an affair with a married man. I walked into this ain willingly.
I was not the pursuer. I was not the initiator. I was not the one to bring the marriage to an end. I was not the villain, to put it mildly,as I was made to be. I was not the woman who stole her best friend’s husband. I was not ‘that’ woman.
As I got deeper into the affair with the married man, preacher of the cloth, we both knew we were playing with fire.
I made countless attempts to discouraged him away from me, and I wanted him to make it work with his wife but nothing I said mattered. I would constantly tell him I was not worth him losing everything and he would say he had nothing to lose. He was dead set against leaving me alone and wanted the affair to continue. We had long talks about what this would do to the church,our families, our children, our parents, our friends, and the wife if we were found out.
This may sound eerie, but whenever we came together it was great, but when it was all over we would pray and ask God for forgiveness. We would ask God to punish us, not our children or the ones we loved. The one thing I was not about to do was to go to church and hide behind a mask and pretend I am holier than thou.
Either I will be real with you or not.I wouldn’t be two-faced. We both talked-about what will take place once our affair hits the fan. Once the divorce is finalized and the waiting period is over we would marry. Sounds simple but it wasn’t…
It’s been a long road to recovery to get accepted by ‘church folks.’ I’ve sought God’s repentance, but folks want forgive. This is my second marriage. The first one lasted 21 years. My husband had an affair and verbally, mentally, physically, and sexually abused me.I know the pain of ‘the other woman’ syndrome first hand.
Did I set out to get revenge? No! There were factors that lead up to me being in the arms of a married man. I am not proud of what I’ve done and if given the chance to do over, I would definitely do things different. Some people will forgive the worst of sina, but I found some will not forgive ‘the other woman.’