Personal Growth
Why Kindness Is Never Wasted
In these last few days before Christmas, kindness has been on my mind. Maybe because kindness is love made visible, and that is the heart of the Christmas story.
From Birth to Resurrection: A Story of Non-Dual Consciousness
It could be easy to feel a sense of resentment and anger looking back at the religious and political system. Except… Jesus knew the cross was coming. Even before he made the journey to Jerusalem, he was completely aware of what he would face.
Sitting with God
I cannot imagine a better start to each day than a silent sit.Silence is not empty. It is filled with God. When I practice centering prayer, I respond to the invitation to sit with God.
Professional Growth
7 Ways To Improve Creativity
LIKE THIS BLOG? GET MORE LIKE THIS – DELIVERED TO YOUR INBOX.Being creative is an enriching quality that’s reserved not only for those involved in various arts. Whether you are decorating your home, writing an essay for school, developing new software for work and so...
5 Reasons Why You Need A Coach
Within you resides limitless potential to create the life of your dreams. With your imagination spawning your dreams, you will see what others cannot and shape that which you envision into the life you desire.
The Story Recut
A team of nine from the United States and Canada band together on a journey of hope and adventure to Africa. Arriving in Dar es Salaam, they begin as privileged vacationers on Safari in the Serengeti.
The Eagle and the Chickens: Uncovering Your True Identity
LIKE THIS BLOG? GET MORE LIKE THIS – DELIVERED TO YOUR INBOX.I once read an interesting story about a farmer who found a young eagle that had fallen out of its nest. Feeling sorry for the injured bird, he brought it home and left it in the barnyard together with his...
Hope Amid Our Polarized Election
The world is divided. Our current political climate in the United States has certainly accentuated our differences and heightened our intolerance of anyone who doesn’t hold our worldview.
Overcoming Unconscious Biases
LIKE THIS BLOG? GET MORE LIKE THIS – DELIVERED TO YOUR INBOX.It's easy, especially, at the time we are living in to express opinions that are based on unconscious biases. We are not aware of it, but since childhood, we have been conditioned to view the world through...
Why Conspiracy Theories and End-time Prophecies May Damage Our Emotional and Spiritual Wellbeing?
It seems like end-time prophecies, or conspiracy theories involving Bill Gates, 5G, George Soro, or “fake news” are everywhere. Having had the opportunity to work with people around the world for decades has taught me that most of these beliefs and theories are rooted in fear.